TerrSafeiLab, a non-profit consortium, is characterized as an interface between the actors of the economic development of the territory and for the promotion of a meaningful public-private interaction in the planning and management of territory, and for the promotion of the role of knowledge, of innovation and training through the creation of a network of research centres, universities, institutions, businesses and citizens.
The Consortium carries out interdisciplinary applied research, training and planning, mainly in environmental and territory safety, also in partnership with universities, research centres, institutions, public bodies, companies and individuals. As a structure rooted in the territory, it offers services and tools to support the competitiveness of companies and the exploitation of research, and is also aimed at encouraging a process of economic development of the territory based on technology transfer to SMEs, promoting the creation and growth of businesses with intensive knowledge. It represents for companies the contact element with applied research, also internationally, to find partnerships, interdisciplinary expertise and assistance to carry out projects on the basis of a business idea characterized by innovativeness, expertise capable of generating value and relational skills against of stakeholders, public and private institutions.
The activities performed by TerrSafeiLab are therefore referable to the programming of targeted initiatives aimed at territorial adjustment, through the definition of strategic priorities, governance tools and territorial government targets. The identification of clusters of expertise for the evaluation of legal aspects, regulatory and management related to the role of innovation, however, encourage the sharing of knowledge networks among all the actors of economic development, by bringing together the interests of different parties belonging to structures institutional, social and productive to the interests of society.
In particular, these activities, which will enable a significant and progressive interaction with productive contexts, academic and institutional, are aimed at:
Supporting SMEs
in the insertion of innovation in business practices;;
in the realization of an entrepreneurial workshop, consisting of innovative entrepreneurs capable of transforming ideas into successful projects that might lead to the creation of new businesses, start-ups and spin-off companies operating in different productive sectors related to safety and to security, with the goal of generating appreciable impact on employment;
in the creation of a network of innovative production facilities in the field of safety and territorial changes, with the aim to bring together businesses and do business with ICT excellence, and to tighten trade agreements
Cooperating with public bodies responsible for territory safety, to:
assessment of territorial criticalities;
the creation of a supra-municipal network aimed at the creation of a shared project of safety and economic development of the territory (territory monitoring, assessment of safety levels ...);
the adoption of suitable tools for acquiring resources for interventions related to territory safety;
the assessment of the private-public partnership models, networking systems and inter-institutional cooperation;
the establishment of appropriate procedures to facilitate convergence towards shared interests;
the promotion of a strategic regional planning, establishing operating standards and tools, as well as decision-making methodologies.
Promoting partnerships with universities and research centres, for:
the training of new constantly updated professionals in the field of territory safety and the coordination of specific education activities that, on the basis of specific programs, will be provided in synchronous blended e-learning from Universities partners of TerrSafeiLab , also located in different Countries, with the support of the of Placement and Career education Office of TerrSafeiLab;
the creation of a network of research centres specifically configured for:
drawing up plans for the promotion of research and innovation, and for the realization of interdisciplinary skill cluster;
supporting the creation of innovative training systems and development of knowledge in the context of forms of Public Private Partnerships;
promoting partnership models and territorial networking.